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Modern Slavery: What Is It and How to Meet the Modern Slavery Act Requirements
The number of people impacted by modern slavery increases dramatically from year to year, with women and children still disproportionately the most vulnerable. According to the Global Estimates of Modern Slavery: Forced Labour and Forced Marriage report, produced in collaboration between the International Labour Organisation (ILO), Walk Free, and the International Organization for Migration, the latest global estimates indicate that 50 million people were living in modern slavery in 2021.
The Modern Slavery Flywheel
Download this Infographic to learn about the 6 stages of the Modern Slavery Flywheel according to the OECD Due Diligence Model.
Modern Slavery Solutions
We partner with customers to help them better understand the issues surrounding Modern Slavery, proactively manage modern slavery risks within their supply chains and ultimately, improve on their modern slavery stance.
Australian Catholic Anti-Slavery Network take part in the latest Social Compliance training
Intertek SAI Global recently hosted the team at Australian Catholic Anti-Slavery Network last month for our newly updated course in social compliance auditing.
Australia’s First Federal Anti-Slavery Commissioner: A Landmark Step Forward
Recently, Australia reached a momentous milestone with the passing of the Modern Slavery Amendment (Australian Anti-Slavery Commissioner) Bill 2023 through Parliament. This legislation establishes the first federal Anti-Slavery Commissioner as an independent statutory officeholder. Read more to find out more on what this means for your organisation and where we can help.
On Demand Webinar: Human Rights Due Diligence – Enhancing Processes and Safeguarding your Supply Chain
Effective human rights due diligence strengthens your supply chain's security and sustainability. By proactively addressing potential risks, you can safeguard your operations from disruptions, ensure compliance with global standards like the OECD guidelines and the Australian Modern Slavery Act, and uphold ethical practices. This approach not only protects your reputation but also builds trust and resilience for long-term success.
Vital trends in assurance
In a rapidly changing business environment, the role of assurance professionals is constantly evolving to adapt to global risks, new technologies, industry trends, and evolving customer needs. To prepare for the shifting business landscape of the future, we have identified 8 key trends that are emerging across assurance, auditing and business management.
On Demand WEBINAR: Effective Social Audits and the Impact of focusing on People
Protecting your people through social compliance audits is a moral imperative. ​ Did you know that taking a strategic, people-focused approach to social audits contributes directly to risk reduction, operational improvements, and liability minimisation? ​
On Demand WEBINAR: Better Cotton
Chain of Custody and Independent Assessment of Cotton Consumption. As part of the Intertek Brand, we are fortunate to have access to content that is insightful and meaningful globally and locally in Australia and New Zealand. In this webinar the team from Intertek delve into the world of sustainable cotton production.
Understanding The Social Compliance Landscape in Australia & New Zealand
As we navigate the dynamic terrain of social compliance in Australia and New Zealand, we find a landscape in rapid evolution. With the growing demand for standardised ESG measures, increased regulatory scrutiny worldwide, and a surge in consumer demand for ethically sourced products, businesses are being pushed towards a new era of transparency and accountability.