Modern Slavery Solutions

Scalable end-to-end solutions to improve modern slavery stance, and manage supplier compliance.

We partner with customers to help them better understand the issues surrounding Modern Slavery, proactively manage modern slavery risks within their supply chains and ultimately, improve on their modern slavery stance.

The Modern Slavery Flywheel

To effectively address Modern Slavery risks, organisations have to adopt a flywheel approach to continually improve and minimise operational disruption.

An effective due diligence process consists of six stages:
  • Embed responsible business conduct into polities and management systems;
  • Identify and assess adverse impacts in operations, supply chains and business relationships;
  • Cease, prevent or mitigate adverse impacts;
  • Track implementation and results;
  • Communicate how impacts are addressed;
  • Provide for or cooperate in remediation when appropriate.
Download our Modern Slavery Flywheel Framework!
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Why Partner With Intertek SAI Global On Your
Modern Slavery Journey

At Intertek SAI Global, we partner with organisations at any stage of their Modern Slavery journey, to support them in building long-term success and control of their supply chains. We do this through innovative technology, combined with our deep audit expertise, to ensure you can understand and manage Supply Chain risks.

Develop a Holistic Modern Slavery Framework

Develop and implement a strategic plan to engage and encourage key internal stakeholders of their responsibilities to combat modern slavery

Centralise Supplier Compliance and Onboarding

Centralise supply chain management with our industry-leading supplier management tool, and gain the insights to take targeted actions to minimise supply chain disruptions.

Access our International Network of Auditors and Experts

With over 3,000 auditors across more than 100 countries, Intertek SAI Global has a network of leading auditors to support, and scale, your supply chain compliance programs.

Modern Slavery In Australia

Modern slavery remains a pressing issue in Australia, affecting over 41,000 victims, with the most common reported types of modern slavery in our country involving women and girls, forced marriage, sexual exploitation and forced labour. This infographic sheds light on the widespread and often misunderstood nature of modern slavery, and highlights the link between global supply chains and modern slavery. To learn more about the extent of this issue and ways to mitigate risks within your supply chain, view the full infographic.

Update: Recommendations to update the Modern Slavery Act 2018

On 25 May 2023, the Australian Government tabled a report on the statutory review of Australia’s Modern Slavery Act, which reviewed the first 3 years of the Act’s operation. The review was conducted and was led by Professor John McMillan, AO.

The review made 30 recommendations for government consideration to strengthen the Act. Key recommendations made in the review include:
  • introducing penalties for non-compliance with statutory reporting requirements
  • lowering the reporting threshold from $100 million to $50 million
  • requiring entities to report on modern slavery incidents or risks
  • amending the Act to require entities have a due diligence system in place
  • strengthening the administration of the Act through proposed legislative amendments and expanded administrative guidance
  • proposing functions for the federal Anti-Slavery Commissioner in relation to the Act.

Reach out to discuss if these proposed changes impact your business or discuss your Social Compliance audit!

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The Road to an Effective Human Rights Due Diligence Program in the Supply Chain

Expectations from investors, business partners, non-governmental organisations and governments have never been higher for businesses to make meaningful progress towards ‘knowing and showing’ their respect for human rights. Corporate human rights due diligence is slowly becoming expected conduct for all types of businesses, regardless of the size of sectors.

Are You Ready To Take The Next Step In Your Modern Slavery Journey?

Request a callback from one of our Modern Slavery experts to have a no-obligation discussion about your Modern Slavery journey.