ISO 50001 Energy Management Systems
ISO 50001 helps organisations reduce energy consumption, carbon emissions and energy costs.
Key Benefits
Improve Energy Performance
Meet Compliance Requirements
Sustainable Energy Practices
What Is It?
ISO 50001:2018 brings a systematic approach to planning, implementing, maintaining and improving an energy management system.
ISO 50001 describes a systematic approach to enable organisations to continually improve energy performance and energy management.
The organisation must understand the internal and external issues that can affect, either positive or negative, energy performance and the energy management system.
To ensure success, top management must demonstrate their commitment to the management system and develop an energy policy that the organisation must follow.
Planning must address the organisations risks and opportunities based off its context, desired energy outputs and targets and the measures needed to monitor and achieve these objectives.
The organisation must support the management systems with the right people, skills, technology, data infrastructure and financial resources.
The organisations processes should be planned, implemented and controlled, ensuring facilities, equipment and systems are designed with the goal of improvement.
The organisation must be able to demonstrate and verify that it has achieved its energy performance targets and objectives through internal audits and management reviews.
The organisation must implement an energy performance improvement process and correct nonconforming processes.
ISO 50001:2015/AMD 1:2024
The amendment to ISO 50001:2015, titled AMD 1:2024, focuses on “Climate action changes” in the realm of Energy Management Systems. This amendment reflects a current and forward-looking approach by integrating climate action considerations into the energy management systems framework.
Aligning with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
ISO 50001:2018 contributes to the following Sustainable Development Goals