Inlight™ – End-to-End Supply Chain Risk Management
Enhance Visibility in Your Supply Chain
Inlight™ enables organisations to better understand their supply chain risks and protect their brand. The customisable assurance platform utilises supplier data to support global companies who require trusted information about the capabilities and compliance of their supplier partners to identify risks to their organisation.
Inlight delivers risk transparency and visibility into the complex supplier network that drives global economies, facilitating improved processes, responsible sourcing decisions and operational resilience.
Maximise your supply chain resilience.

What Is Inlight™
Inlight is a supply chain management solution designed to provide the traceability and transparency necessary for informed global businesses. It enhances visibility onto your supply chain, which helps to manage risk and provide more insight into your supplier.
Aligned to the OECD Due Dilligence Model, the Inlight system can help companies better manage their supply chain and supply chain mapping strategy, while adding supply chain resilience and operational flexibility.
The six-step cycle proces includes supplier data cleansing, on-boarding, assessment and risk analysis services, delivered through our assurance solution, combining platform, people and expertise.
This provides a cost effective solutions to manage and mitigate risk, while streamlining and integrating procurement, compliance (quality, social, security) and sustainability strategies.
From supplier on-boarding and assessing risks to profiling and auditing, Intertek’s Inlight system and Supply Chain Management teams worldwide provide the most effective end-to-end supplier management solution on the market.
The 6-step cycle includes:
- Cleanse: Onboard existing suppliers, supply chain mapping, cleanse and review new suppliers.
- Map Risks: Apply Inherent Risk screening, customised client focus, review supplier risk results.
- Profile: Supplier risk based Self-Assessment- off the shelf or bespoke: business profiles, topic focussed.
- Prioritise: Filter suppliers by capability, risk, improvement needs.
- Verification: Supply chain due diligence through onsite verification, supply chain audits, certification, inspections or testing.
- Analysis: Analyse your supplier data, benchmark trend and make informed decisions.
Inlight platform is designed to save you time, money and risk. Developed for buyers and suppliers, it provides maximum visibility into the supply chain, which mitigates supply chain risk. It helps protect brand reputation and reduce supplier management costs.
- End-to-End Solution: An end-to-end supply chain assurance for all sectors and all compliance topics
- Speed to set up: Standard off the shelf offering covering large number of compliance topics ready to plug and play
- Optimized Performance and Quality: Data rich insights drive targeted focus and helps drive continuous improvement environment, optimising spend and impact on quality
- Subject Matter Experts: SMEs with industry knowledge to ensure the right level of focus for your program
- Local Support: Largest global network provides support on the ground, in the local language
- Flexible Set-Up: Customisable solution tailored to your program objectives and needs
Workplace Conditions Assessment (WCA) program provides a powerful, web-based solution for companies and facilities seeking to improve workplace conditions efficiently and in accordance with widely accepted industry standards and best practices.
WCA is an industry-agnostic and widely accepted risk-based solution in our Supply Chain Assurance suite of services. It provides an on the ground support and expertise to help companies manage Supply Chain Due Diligence specific to social and labor conditions, health & safety, environment, and business practices.
Benefits to WCA for your organisation:
- Risk based approach and program implementation guidance from Intertek experts, coupled with technology platform, where needed
- Better decision-making support based on comparable benchmarks and detailed Data Analytics and Insights across the entire supply chain displayed via interactive Risk Dashboards
- Good corporate governance and ‘preferred supplier’ status for implementing a program that is in full accordance with social and environmental industry best practices
- Supply chain visibility and transparency beyond tier 1 and 2 with tools to identify high risk suppliers and focus your resources effectively where it matters
- Community based sharing model to reduce audit duplication and support in Mutual Recognition Acceptance
Inlight Solution Packages
Inlight Advantage includes
Inherent Risk Assessment to World Bank Governance Indicators*, combining country, contract spend and business activity risk.
(*World Bank Governance Indicators include,United Nations Human Development Index, Transparency International Corruption Perceptions Index, US State Department Trafficking in Persons Report, and Sustainable Development Report)
Up to 5 User Licenses
Self-Assessment Questionnaires (SAQ)
All SAQs include a Business Profile with a choice of topic from the following:
SAQ Topics : Social compliance, Social Human Rights, Modern Slavery, Supply Chain Due Diligence, Anti Bribery, Sustainability, ESG Maturity, Environmental, Supplier Qualification Program (SQP), Conflicts, Minerals, Sustainability, and Environmental management.
SAQ Verification (optional)
Full review by local Intertek personnel to verify the SAQ responses.
Supply Chain Mapping (optional)
Enabling you to see beyond your direct suppliers to further understand risk within your value chain.
Program Management
Self-Managed SAQ Program
Audit Program Management:
Access to manage online Corrective Action Plans (CAP)
System email reminders to encourage user completion of the SAQs
Reporting dashboards and analytics to support your program reporting.
Inlight Enterprise includes everything in Inlight Advantage, plus
The ability to have custom attributes for Inherent Risk assessment in addition to the Advantage offer, or as a standalone
Self-Assessment Questionnaires (SAQ)
Customisation of Advantage SAQ modules with the ability for SAQ customisation.
Program Management
End of campaign summary and program review.
Scheduled SAQ follow-up phone calls, emails and escalation to support SAQ completion within timelines.
Custom data attributes.
Custom reporting and analytics, visibility of findings by category, top findings, improvement over time, audit/SAQ assignment history, CAP overview and status, plus much more.
Program Advisory and Collaborative Engagement (PACE)
Our PACE team offer strategic program framework design and advice and/or resourcing solutions to enable our clients to focus on their day-to-day while we take care of key supply chain management tasks.
Service offering includes:
- Analysis and Advisory
- Strategic Planning
- Risk Management
- Activity Engagement
- Monitoring and Reporting
- Resource Management with people placed in main sourcing hubs around the world.
Our expert teams take away subject matter lead work from Procurement Professionals so they can stay focused on their core role.
Reach out to find out how Inlight can help Identify and map supplier inherent risk!
Key Benefits of Inlight™ Supply Chain Management
Gain Visibility Into Your Supply Chain Risks
Simplify Your Supply Chain Management Process
Onboard Your Suppliers Efficiently
Profiling & Prioritization
Remediation & Improvement
Analytics & Reporting
Inlight Overview
Are You Ready To Take The Next Step To Managing Supplier Risk?
Corporate Social Responsibility Training
As a leading provider of education and training, Intertek SAI Global Assurance offers a wide range of training courses to help you learn, plan, implement, assess and improve your management systems.