WaterMark Certification Scheme

WaterMark is a regulatory Mark called upon by the Plumbing Regulators and detailed in the Plumbing Code of Australia.

Meet Your Compliance Requirements

Build customer trust by certifying your plumbing and drainage products. The WaterMark Certification Scheme is administered by the Australian Building Codes Board (ABCB) on behalf of the Australian Federal Government.

Gain Market Access

Whether you manufacture locally or overseas, successful certification to this scheme allows installation of your products in Australia. In some states, WaterMark is required to legally distribute your product.

Improve Your Competitive Edge

Drive business performance and growth with this industry-recognised certification, ensuring your product performs as specified.

What is WaterMark?

Plumbing and drainage products require mandatory certification to the WaterMark Scheme to ensure they are fit for purpose.

The WaterMark scheme is administered by the Australian Building Codes Board (ABCB) on behalf of the Australian Federal Government. It is a mandatory certification scheme for certain plumbing and drainage products to ensure they are fit for purpose and appropriately authorised for use.

The WaterMark scheme follows a five-year certification lifecycle, with annual product surveillance. WaterMark certification must be displayed on the product.


Each WaterMark certification requires a manufacturing site quality plan audit. The manufacturer’s ability to manufacture and batch test must be assessed. If there is no production at first audit, then another audit is required within 12 months. Products are type-tested at accredited laboratories to establish compliance with the specification.


Product surveillance is required at least every 12 months throughout the five-year certification lifecycle.


Re-certification is conducted prior to the expiry of the certification. It involves re-evaluation testing at accredited laboratories, and a manufacturing site quality plan audit. Re-certification activities should commence no later than six months before the certificate expires.

Achieving WaterMark Certification

To achieve WaterMark certification, the subject product needs to:

  • be tested by an accredited testing laboratory
  • comply with an applicable specification
  • be manufactured in accordance with an approved quality management system
  • clearly state its intended scope of use.
Guide to the WaterMark Certification Scheme

Download the Guide to the WaterMark Certification Scheme.

Intertek SAI Global is accredited to the Lead Free WaterMark

The Australian Building Code Board (ABCB) advisory statement in 2020 for all stakeholders impacted by the WaterMark Certification Scheme, introduced a new limit for the allowable level of lead in plumbing products used for drinking water to 0.25%, which will be mandated by 1 May 2026. We are pleased to share that Intertek SAI Global is now accredited for Lead Free Watermark. If you would like to know more about this service, contact us today.

Reach out to chat about Watermark and Lead-Free Watermark Certification