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e-Book Sustainability Assurance
Download this e-Book to understand more about our ESG Reporting and Advisory Solutions
Sustainability Assurance
Demonstrate a commitment to social and environmental sustainability by partnering with a global market leader in sustainability assurance. Including End-to-End Supply Chain Risk Management platform, Recycled Content Verification and social compliance audits!
Demystifying Sustainability
This webinar has been designed to provide a high-level overview of three main pillars of sustainability. During the session, our experts will cover topics such as the sustainability journey, corporate reporting, and product claims; as well as describe the interconnectivity of various sustainability elements. Attendees will gain a better understanding of how sustainability encompasses the entire supply chain, and how it requires accountability from all levels of an organization, including suppliers and retailers.
Building a Future-Proof Sustainability Business Strategy with ISO 14001
Webinar - Intertek SAI Global expert Ross Guastalegname will discuss how building a future-proof sustainability business strategy with ISO 14001.
On Demand Webinar: Human Rights Due Diligence – Enhancing Processes and Safeguarding your Supply Chain
Effective human rights due diligence strengthens your supply chain's security and sustainability. By proactively addressing potential risks, you can safeguard your operations from disruptions, ensure compliance with global standards like the OECD guidelines and the Australian Modern Slavery Act, and uphold ethical practices. This approach not only protects your reputation but also builds trust and resilience for long-term success.
This World Food Safety Day: Be prepared for the unexpected
Many in the Australian food industry had more than acceptable food safety programs in place before the pandemic, yet still faced unprecedented challenges as it unfolded. Supply chains and business continuity were most significantly impacted, and a new level of risk management evolved, above and beyond any seen previously. Across the industry cleaning, hygiene, and sanitation practices have been transformed and a much sharper focus has developed around sustainability.
Vital trends in assurance
In a rapidly changing business environment, the role of assurance professionals is constantly evolving to adapt to global risks, new technologies, industry trends, and evolving customer needs. To prepare for the shifting business landscape of the future, we have identified 8 key trends that are emerging across assurance, auditing and business management.
Workplace Safety: From Compliance to Commitment
In recognition of World Day for Safety and Health at Work, the global call is for organisations to shift their focus from merely achieving compliance to genuinely committing to elevated standards in workplace health and safety.
Earth Day: Recycled Content Verification
This Earth Day, we are exploring the theme of climate education, as a key mechanism to reduce climate impact. There are several streams of action for Earth Day this year, and one key theme is climate education, while additional conversations focus on reduction of plastic. 
Meet the future with solutions for climate education this Earth Day
This Earth Day, we are exploring the theme of climate education, as a key mechanism to reduce climate impact. There are several streams of action for Earth Day this year, and one key theme is climate education. Read and View our interview with Susanne Orme, our Sustainability Training Specialist.