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Meet the future with solutions for climate education this Earth Day

Unlock the power of climate education with actionable solutions we can all do today

This Earth Day, we are exploring the theme of climate education, as a key mechanism to reduce climate impact. There are several streams of action for Earth Day this year, and one key theme is climate education, while additional conversations focus on reduction of plastic.

This article dives into the world of climate education in particular. Why? Because increased literacy on climate and environment issues and solutions will build a stronger green market, where people take action every day with their purchases to reduce emissions across the globe.

The case for climate education

Let’s talk about the case for climate education. There is an urgent need to increase the knowledge and skills on environment, sustainability and how to reduce impact on the climate. At Intertek SAI Global, we host a series of training courses on sustainability, to expand knowledge on the issues facing businesses and society, and how to implement solutions in your organisation.

Growing the green economy

Green skills are in high demand, according to LinkedIn, where job postings have increased significantly, with businesses seeking workers with the right skillset. The rising demand for green skills highlights the urgent need to upskill to help the world achieve net zero by 2050. In fact, Australia has the highest demand for environment and sustainability skills.

Making the shift to a green economy

There are many benefits to aiming for a world that is net-zero. The transition to a net zero emissions environment by 2050 will create new industries worth $10.3 trillion to the global economy creating a massive market for green goods and services.

New skills in the next five years

To accommodate for the future of net zero, businesses will need their people to be adept at environmental and sustainability skills. According to the World Economic Forum, employers estimate that four in ten workers will need to be reskilled for the for the green jobs of the future.

Together we can find solutions for the planet, it starts with conversations on the environment 

To expand on the importance of climate education in Australia, we spoke to Suzanne Orme a leading Environment Trainer with Intertek SAI Global to discover more about her drive to grow green education as a meaningful way to address climate change. 

Tell us a little about your career pathway, and your area of expertise.  

My early career was in retail buying and product marketing, then I became very interested in environmental issues and went back to uni to learn more. I became a practitioner in the field and member of the Environmental Institute of Australia and New Zealand (EIANZ)  

Later I completed a Masters in Sustainable Development to broad my knowledge of environment, social and governance. (ESG).  

What was the moment that changed your career to focus on sustainability, climate education and net zero awareness? 

There was no clear moment or epiphany. It was more of a gradual realization, a creeping concern about what the future would hold for my children.  

In the 1990’s and 2000s there was growing scientific consensus that human activities were affecting the climate. It became clear that failing to prevent serious climate change would be catastrophic for wildlife and human civilization.  

The actual events we’ve seen in recent times–severe bushfires, floods and heatwaves across the world – serve to validate these predictions.   

When I changed the focus of my work – in about the year 2008 – I felt that creating awareness and understanding of this issue was something I could do…. because part of my role was training people in private and public sector organisations. 

 What inspires you to train people in environment and sustainability?  

I get satisfaction from engaging with all types of people and sharing what I know. I like helping others to gain knowledge and skills that they can apply directly in their workplace. They can even get a qualification that furthers their career. 

 More specifically, for environment and sustainability, I’ve met many like-minded people and attended huge rallies. One of them in 2019 had tens of thousands of people marching – all with this same sort of idea – the same sort of belief and hope that we can change things and prevent climate catastrophe. We can stop this added threat to people and biodiversity. It keeps me pushing forward in different ways. Through teaching, through advocacy and through my writing. 

What are the top tips you would give to help people to take action to reduce emissions and address climate change?  

 There are so many things that we can each to do reduce our impact on the environment. These are my tips on practical changes that are easy to implement: 

 #1: Use alternative transport  

Walk or ride a bike instead of driving a petrol or diesel powered vehicle. Every kilogram of greenhouse gas emitted from the combustion of fossil fuels, makes climate change worse. Where it exists, take public transport instead of driving.  

  #2: Drive an electric vehicle   

There are greater choices of electric vehicles to purchase or rent and many more charge station than 5 years ago. To balance the high up front cost is the fact that they cost next to nothing to run. The 2nd hand electric car market is small but growing too.   

  #3: Increase the proportion of renewable energy    

Install solar panels to your home and business will save money in the long-term. Better still, store the energy in a battery so it can be used when the sun isn’t shining. If you do have an electric vehicle you may be able to run it on sunshine, as I do, completely for free.   

  #4: Replace gas appliances and hot water with electric  

When it’s time to replace heating appliances, switch from natural gas to electricity. Natural gas is a fossil fuel whereby the electricity grid is becoming less carbon intensive as renewables replace coal. 

 #5: Eat less meat    

Increase the amount of fruits and vegetables in your diet; and reduce the amount of meat or processed foods. Livestock production contributes to the emissions that cause climate change. Choose sustainable locally sourced seafood.   

What do you see as the future of sustainability and sound environmental practices?  

I’m hopeful that people will ramp up nature-based solutions that simultaneously address climate change and biodiversity loss. 

These include biological carbon removal approaches such as reforestation, soil carbon sequestration, coastal wetland restoration and seaweed cultivation.  

I’m wouldn’t underplay the seriousness of climate change. I’m a realist and there is such a wonderful diversity of ideas coming forward, I feel hopeful too. 

Step into action this Earth Day 

Climate and environmental literacy, coupled with public education, aims to inform businesses and consumers for a stronger green market. This will allow people to take action every day to create meaningful change to address climate change.  

Remember that every action makes a difference, and together we can help the environment and reduce our impact on the climate. 

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