Content relating to News & Resources
Building An Effective Food Safety Management System
Food manufacturers, storage facilities, distributors, and retailers are managing business continuity challenges daily and the urgency to develop stronger food safety systems has never been greater.
Reframing Non-Conformances for the Greater Good
At Intertek SAI Global, an auditor’s entire reason for being is to make every business better, safer, and more successful. The only way to do this is through reviews, feedback, and ongoing support and encouragement.
What is GFSI Certification and Which Standard Is Right for Me?
Have you been asked to get GFSI Certified? What does this mean and how do you know which GFSI recognised Standard is right for your organisation? In this article, we explore the answers to these questions, as well as provide some tips to implement and achieve certification:
ISO/IEC 27001:2022 Transition Policy
Webinar - Intertek SAI Global expert Stephen Weekley will discuss the new ISO 27001:2022 Information Security Management Systems Standard, how organisations upgrade to the new standard, when the upgrade needs to be done? What Auditors will be looking for during the upgrade and the Transition Policy Timelines.
Lead-Free Plumbing Products – Understanding Compliance
Watch the webinar to understand what the new limit for allowable lead in plumbing products means and how it will impact your business, as well as the transition requirements and deadlines.
ISO Certification Readiness
Tuesday October 25, 2022 - ISO Certification Expert Erica Smith discussed what does my organisation need for certification readiness?
Preparing for Your Food Safety Audit
It is impossible to be too prepared for a food safety audit and every audit presents an opportunity for your facility to continually evolve to be better. Audits are not an end in themselves, nor are they a time for pointing fingers and finding fault. Audits do not start because an auditor arrives to perform them. Rather, audits happen because the purpose is to determine if your system is working as it should. Audits identify gaps and shortcomings, after which the team has an opportunity to make any corrections necessary to align with the food safety program so that the process is safe, effective, efficient and consistent throughout all locations. When a strong food safety culture is embedded in an organisation, half the work of audit preparation is already done.
How to Improve Your Food Safety Management System
Food safety management systems don't stop evolving as soon as they are implemented. They must continue to morph and change along with business growth and changing dynamics. If a food safety system is not continually evolving and improving to stay effective, it no longer serves the purpose of safeguarding the staff, customers and consumers. In this blog, we will uncover how to achieve a successfully established food safety management system, and 6 tips to improve your food safety management system and audit scores.
The Modern Slavery Flywheel
Download this Infographic to learn about the 6 stages of the Modern Slavery Flywheel according to the OECD Due Diligence Model.