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FSSC 24000

FSSC 24000 is a social management system scheme for the consumer goods industry, providing an audit and certification framework aligned with ISO Management Systems. It helps organisations meet social sustainability mandates, enhance management systems, protect brands, boost business impact, and support the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.

FSSC 24000 incorporates the internationally recognised, independent audit and certification scheme PAS 24000. This scheme sets out the requirements for establishing, implementing, maintaining and continually improving social management systems.

What Is It?

FSSC 24000 seamlessly integrates with your existing certifications to reduce audit burden.

Applicable to Manufacturing and Processing Sectors
FSSC 24000 is designed for organisations in both the food and non-food manufacturing and processing sectors, including their related service providers.

Reduces Audit Burden
The certification streamlines the audit process, minimising business disruptions from unexpected audits.

Seamless Integration
It integrates with existing FSSC and other ISO certifications, providing the necessary documentation to comply with customer Social Compliance requirements.

Key Benefits

Global Recognition

FSSC 24000 is internationally recognised, which in turn enhances your global market access, credibility and reputation in the international market.

Compliance Confidence

FSSC 24000 certification ensures your business consistently exceeds customer and regulatory requirements, instilling confidence in stakeholders that your operations are socially responsible and sustainable.

Continuous Improvement

Certification enables greater understanding of how your system is performing, allowing you to adopt a structured approach to pinpointing focus areas and improving processes.

Holistic Sustainability Management

FSSC 24000’s expanded scope includes environmental and social management to offer a more holistic approach to sustainability and align with the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.

Enhanced Reputation & Trust

Becoming certified demonstrates to customers, stakeholders, and regulators that you are committed to ethical and responsible business actions, which in turn can lead to increased business.

Risk Mitigation

The systematic approach of FSSC 24000 helps identify and manage risks associated with social responsibility, human rights and labour practices, environmental sustainability and ethical business practices.

Improved Operational Efficiency

Embedding social responsibility into your business processes can lead to improved efficiency, as ethical practices often go hand-in-hand with better resource management and employee satisfaction.

Reduced Business Disruption & Audit Fatigue

FSSC 24000 minimises the need for frequent, disruptive audits in response to customer demands. By holding certification, your business can confidently demonstrate compliance through a recognised certificate, satisfying customer requirements without the strain to accommodate unscheduled audits.

ISO Harmonised Structure

FSSC 24000 is harmonised with FSSC 22000 and other ISO standards, streamlining certification for social responsibility alongside food safety. SSCI-recognised, IAF MLA-endorsed, and listed in the ITC Standards Map, it offers global credibility and simplifies compliance, enhancing stakeholder trust and market access.

Elevate your social responsibility game beyond CSR industry criteria audits with comprehensive certification

FSSC 24000 and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) frameworks such as the Business Social Compliance Initiative (BSCI) and Supplier Ethical Data Exchange (SMETA) all promote ethical business practices within the consumer goods industry. FSSC 24000 is ISO-aligned and provides a structured approach to evolving social management requirements. Conversely, SMETA and BSCI offer a broad evaluation of social compliance but do not incorporate the formal ISO framework and certification cycle

FSSC 24000 FAQ

What is a social management system (SMS)?

A social management system is a strategic framework to help manage an organisation’s social responsibilities. It involves setting policies, establishing processes, and implementing procedures aimed at achieving social goals such as the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as an example.

What do you achieve by implementing a social management system?

Implementing an SMS is not just about compliance; it’s about building a sustainable business model that supports long-term growth. Organisations that adopt these systems can enhance their reputation, build stronger stakeholder relationships, and ultimately achieve continual business excellence.

Can a business in the Food Industry obtain FSSC 24000 certification without being FSSC 22000 scheme-certified?

The FSSC 24000 scope is designed for auditing and certifying organizations in both the food and non-food manufacturing and processing sectors, including related service provisions. The scope covers activities as specified by the associated IAF codes in Scheme Part 1, Clause 3, Table 1. Certification for these Schemes is independent, allowing organizations to obtain certification for one or both Schemes as needed.

What is the Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA)?

FSSC 24000 incorporates the PDCA cycle and risk-based thinking, ensuring identification and control of social risk and continual improvement. This process demonstrates corporate responsibility and facilitates improving the social management systems and performance.

What do other social compliance audits such as SMETA and BSCI assess and when?

Non-certification social compliance audits help you to understand standards of labour, health and safety, environmental performance, and ethics within your own operations or at a supplier site. They are often not structured within a management system framework and set on a consistent cadence.

FSSC 24000 is conducted on a set frequency of initial audit, annual surveillance and triennial re-certifications. Additionally, FSSC 24000 enhances customer confidence by requiring at least one surveillance audit to be undertaken unannounced after the initial certification audit and within each three-year period.

For more information visit: https://saiassurance.com.au/smeta-audit

Find out more about FSSC 24000 certification to streamline your business audit obligations