Content relating to News & Resources
7 Tips For Effective Allergen Control
Watch this webinar on demand to learn how to shake up your food safety program and truly control allergens more effectively in your facility and within your products.
10 Ways To Protect Your Organisation From Food Fraud
Brian Neal, Technical Manager for SAI Global, defines food fraud, allocation of responsibilities, key areas to watch for food fraud and tips for risk mitigation.
NDIS – Navigating The Legal Minefield
SAI Global Assurance are experts in making the complex aspects of NDIS Verification and Certification simple, so watch this webinar to learn about the legal framework of NDIS.
NDIS Remote Auditing
On March 20, 2020, SAI Global Assurance was approved to deliver National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) audits remotely. This factsheet outlines what you need to know about remote auditing.
Remote Food Auditing Processes In Australia
In line with the current operating environment, there have been several key food safety scheme updates that may impact your audit process. Where feasible, SAI Global Assurance can facilitate a remote audit with the integration of smartphones, videos and audio technology.
The True Cost of Quality
In today's globalised, hyper-competitive world, business managers are expected to deliver profitable and consistent outcomes while meeting compliance obligations and demanding customer expectations.
Supply Chain Risk Management In The Food Industry
Supply chains have become more complex, often resembling vast webs of direct and indirect suppliers, and the food industry is particularly vulnerable when it comes to risks that can occur deep within those chains.
ISO 27001: A Risk Based Approach to Cyber Security
According to a recent SAI Global survey, more than 55% of respondents don’t realise that they’re vulnerable to cyber security attacks. Hackers really have the advantage here – it’s all they do – attacking every 39 seconds, which is on average, 2,244 times a day.
Food Fraud: Effective Vulnerability Assessments To Mitigate Risk
Risk management focuses on reducing vulnerabilities and adopting a systematic approach to assessing food production and supply chain security. A good mitigation plan will anticipate as many challenges as possible. It will also include procedures to ensure that new and emerging threats are identified and considered.